Thursday, December 3, 2009

Boob Squeeze

Got your attention, huh?

I've been getting a yearly mammogram since I was 30. I have some breast cancer in my family history and so I really am happy to go each year for the mammo just to be proactive and keep on top of things.

I have to admit I went longer than a year between my last one and the one I got today. Just busy and putting it off, that's my excuse. Of course when my husband does that I give him grief and I certainly don't allow my children's appointments to be missed so why do I allow it for myself? It's important for us to take care of OURSELVES too, ladies. So if you've been putting off a doctor's appointment schedule it NOW!

Oh and by the way you are definitely better off NOT to get the boob squeeze when you are about to get your period or have your period. It is killer. Ask me how I know......... wink, wink.


Busy Mom in CA December 3, 2009 at 3:09 PM  

LOL... I am with you Sue... I too have to be extra careful and make sure I get yearly examines with our family history. I actually had drafted a post about my mammo appointment but haven't had the nerve to post it yet... maybe I will soon. The cartoon you posted was too funny!

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