A cousin bonanza
Last week my sister, my parents and I traveled out to Pennsylvania for my aunt's memorial service. (I wrote about Aunt Bea in a previous post)
Well, let me just say my father's driving is atrocious.....yikes.....scaaaaary. Besides tailgating 18 wheelers and driving 40 miles an hour on dark country roads with hills the size of Mt. Kilamanjaro, he is not the most patient driver and likes to talk to the GPS. So anyway that was quite the experience, fun was had by all as long as we kept our eyes closed. (LOVE YOU DAD)
So we got to the memorial service on Thursday and were so happy to see so many of our cousins there. You see we are a BIG family. I don't know the total of how many cousins, second cousins and such...well let me add up the cousins right now. I have 29 first cousins (including me) on my mom's side so add an average of 2 kids per cousin and you have another about 60 or so second cousins. We are a close family even though we don't see each other as often as we would like because we are spread out. We are loud and emotional, prone to quick tears and we love the Lord! What a legacy our Oma and Opa left us.
I really love my family. As I get older I understand so much more how important family is and how blessed I am to be part of the Flemming Clan!
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